

Friday, March 2, 2012

Essential Oils In Your Office - Ideas For People Whose Co-Workers Don't Appreciate Essential Oils

Bring to the office of the essential oils can bring benefits in more ways than people anticipate. But sometimes, co-workers object to the smell, so what one does? Here are some ideas to help.


1. People who take large amounts of drugs or who have chemical sensitivities may have a hypersensitivity to essential oils.

2. Are these the same people who wear cologne or perfume that contain synthetic chemicals that one cannot pronounce? And they objected to the health benefits of essential oils have been known for centuries?

3. If their bodies are highly toxic and in need of detoxification, essential oils can actually result in detoxification symptoms such as headaches, or in extreme cases, nausea.


this is not the ultimate choice, but it always helps to have other options.

1. They may interfere with your cologne or perfume!

2. Oil can help people in achieving their goals more easily and faster. Maybe you can tell them how it benefits you receive from the oil can be directly or indirectly benefit them as well.

Other Options

1. Use oil on your break. While smokers smoke on their breaks, you can use this as a healthy break.

2. Use the oil in a small room.

3. Use the oil before you come in or at lunch.

4. Wear your favorite oil in a necklace of essential oils.

5. Put a drop of your favorite oil in your water glass.

6. Use a drop in hot water for making tea. It is said that one drop of peppermint essential oil therapy class is equivalent to 26 cups of peppermint tea.

7. Inhale directly from bottle.

8. Use one of the inhalers that is designed for your favorite oil.

9. Use less oil. When using therapeutic grade essential oils, much less drops required to achieve the same result of lower quality oil.

At least you have more options now. Hopefully, co-workers who have objected to the oil you will be more accepting of their time.


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