

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hot Tips for Making Healthy Coffee

It is possible for coffee to taste good, without it being good for you. However, by taking some basic steps that can make a healthy coffee that is not only nutritious but also delicious. Here are some tips to make the coffee you made as nutritious as possible:

1. Substitute soy milk.
While soy milk is full of vitamins, this allows you to avoid the high amount of fat contained in dairy milk. And although it's a healthy choice, soy milk is rich and full, so you will not have to sacrifice taste for health. Also, some people choose soy milk because it does not involve the use of animals to produce milk. That could be a big problem.

2. Use fresh beans.
This is really a positive, important if you want your coffee to be healthy coffee. One of the best ways to ensure this is to roast your own coffee beans. Even before baking them, make sure that the green coffee beans are stored in an airtight container, in a cool dry place. And after you roast coffee beans, use them within two days thereafter. This will allow the seeds to preserve their freshness.

3. Be careful if you are sensitive to caffeine.
Clinical studies show that caffeine can certainly provide various health benefits for its drinkers. However, some people experience adverse health effects when they drink beverages with caffeine. If you're one of those people then it's highly recommended that you either limit the amount of coffee you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee instead.

4. Add spices to the coffee before you start brewing it.
This is one of the most creative and effective way to create a healthy coffee. While some types of spices are available, do your research to find a few popular choices. Cinnamon is one of the various spices that people often add to their cup of java.

5. Avoid adding too much sugar and cream.
This can cause the coffee has too many calories and too much fat. If you are going to use sugar, then use the raw sugar. And instead of using cream, consider using soy milk instead. This will give creaminess cream, without the high amount of fat.

6. Consider using coffee to lose weight.
Clinical studies have shown that caffeinated coffee can increase your metabolism, and thereby resulting in weight loss. So if you're on a diet, then consider water a day and a diet of black coffee (using fresh beans, of course). This will help you lose a large amount of weight. Considering the implementation of fasting once or twice a week.

Coffee can be a tasty and healthy, if you follow these tips. Consider them to make coffee is full of stuff your body needs. One or two cups of java every day could be just what the doctor ordered.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Is Healthy Coffee Really Healthy?

Why drink healthy coffee? Did you know that a cup of coffee producing so much acid, that you should drink 17 glasses of water to get rid of acid? You should be aware that the acid is very harmful for the body and diseases like cancer and love thrives in acid-rich environment. Ability to reduce acid in your body is one reason why you need to drink healthy coffee. Because healthy coffee will help keep you healthy, and prevent you from having anxiety and crashes. So what is a healthy coffee?

If you're like most people who like to drink coffee, you've never heard of healthy coffee. So what changes ordinary coffee into a coffee healthy? This is done with a rare ancient Chinese mushrooms or mushroom called Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma is used by the Chinese for over 4000 years as medicine. This mushroom was reserved for royalty and the wealthy to treat the disease. They tried to get mushroom illegally in ancient times were not so find out if caught they will be executed.

Licidum contain many antioxidants. This fungus is rare now in use in coffee, tea, and chocolate. There is a healthy company that produces coffee, cocoa, and tea without caffeine in it to help people add to their daily diet.

Now this fungus is no longer surprised to rich but for everyone. Now you can experience a powerful antioxidant Ganoderma which will benefit the immune system. Understand that there are millions of people around the world who would kill to have a strong immune system. They are diseases of the immune system to attack them every second of the day, and many cannot eat properly to help power their systems. A weakened immune system can lead to blood pressure and cholesterol and heart problems. The Ganoderma with antioxidants antivirus and anti-inflammatory and strong can help. This is why companies are combining Ganoderma and coffee, tea and chocolate to create a healthy beverage that can be enjoyed every day.

You can begin to improve your health with Ganoderma. Ganoderma increases the absorption of oxygen in the blood, and improve circulation. It has been found several times more powerful than ginseng. Can you see why you need to drink healthy coffee with mushrooms amazing and incredible!

Instead of drinking regular coffee that: dehydration, very acid, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress, and anxiety and caffeine cause of the accident. You can have what I call the wonder drink that combines coffee and Ganoderma lucidum. You get all the healthy benefits of real coffee without the nasty side effects of caffeine. Now you can drink coffee infused with ganoderma and experience a great boost of energy without the coffee jitters. It will not keep you up all night and you may actually experience better sleep and the rest of you have in a very long time. Only image how much better you can feel better circulation throughout your body?

One of the properties of an antioxidant is its ability to destroy free radicals. Free radicals can be either good or bad. The immune system creates free radicals to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, smoke, radiation, cigarette and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. If the body does not have enough antioxidants, or if free radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. The most important thing is that free radical damage accumulates with age.

Some free radicals can oxidize LDL cholesterol in your blood that turns into a plaque that can stick to your artery walls. It could eventually block the arteries leading to strokes and heart attacks. Antioxidants contained in coffee beans and Ganoderma lucidum in destroying free radicals and may help prevent this from happening.

Healthy coffee may help lower cholesterol levels as anti-inflammatory properties that can help overcome a serious illness such as some types of cancer, severe allergies and asthma. Ganoderma helps the liver to clear toxins. Research has shown that coffee drinkers have been found to suffer fewer heart (the organ that helps to detoxify the body) problems than those who drank no coffee. Reishi and coffee is a wonderful combination in helping to keep the pure blood of unwanted toxins.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

6 Amazing Substances in Healthy Coffee

Is coffee healthy term oxymoron? While this drink is one of the most popular in the world you may be surprised by the healthy substances that contain a variety. So before choosing your next drink, consider some of the good things contained in the coffee:

1. Acetylmethylcarbinol
See if you can repeat this 10 times, with no tinkering. Acetylmethylcarbinol is what gives the full coffee, butter flavor. In fact, it is also providing (real) butter flavor.

2. 2-Ethylphenol
what is ethyl and the phenol? A phenol is a compound that is chemically active, and is found throughout nature, and especially in plants such as those producing coffee beans. Clinical studies have shown that certain phenols have characteristics that can be beneficial to one's health. Meanwhile, the ethyl compounds containing two carbon atoms and five hydrogen atoms.

3. Caffeine
you might want to think twice before choosing a cup of decaffeinated coffee. Caffeine often has a bad connotation, because it creates images of people anxious to drink half a kettle of coffee-and practically bouncing off the walls.

But it turns out caffeine can actually be one of the substances in a cup of piping-hot coffee healthy. According to clinical studies, caffeine has some benefits. It can improve your physical and mental performance. Caffeine also increases your metabolism, which is a big plus if you want to lose weight. Furthermore, it turns out that caffeine may also help to reduce the symptoms of conditions such as headaches, and the risk of diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Of course, the key is to drink caffeinated coffee in moderation.

4. Acid Dicaffeoylquinic
OK, this acid has a fancy name. But the point is that it's good for your health. When the scientists zap neurons with this acid, the cells are majorly protected from damage by free radicals. Since the function Dicaffeoylquinic acid as an antioxidant, it's definitely a good thing!

5. Niacin
Also known as vitamin B3, this is something you have in your daily diet. In fact, two or three cups of coffee can provide about 50% of the Recommended Daily Allowance.

6. Acid Quinic
If you ever wondered what makes the coffee taste a little sour, it Quinic acid. However, it is also important to note the healthy benefits of Quinic acid. In fact, it is used for various types of drugs, such as those used to treat strains of influenza A and influenza B. Something that used to combat the evil flu bug should be a good thing, right?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Healthy Coffee - Losing Weight the Healthy Way, With Ganoderma

That's a known fact, that many of us are more severe and for some reason we just keep delaying the inevitable. Is inevitable that that will be facing serious health problems and costly if we do not change their diet and drinking habits. For those of us who realize this, know that we have to do something about it if we hope to have a long and healthy life. So what kind of habits we need to change behavior?

Healthy coffee industry has made great strides in bringing awareness of the benefits of coffee consumption and changing our habits and drinking tea. The number one obstacle to most of us is that old habits very difficult to break, but awareness of the consequences of this have to bring positive changes in your behavior. Or else!

Ganoderma Reishi mushroom has long been a natural remedy for many diseases, including thinning of the blood that helps with hypertension and high blood pressure and strengthening our immune system, it is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Since ganoderma is the main ingredient in any healthy coffee products, this is one good reason to change the existing coffee and tea drinking habits. Gano coffee leather materials are natural products and many studies show that reducing your cravings for food at the right time during the day. It is better to rely on the choice of a healthy weight loss that will provide lifetime results. In contrast to succumb to the desire that will only add pounds to your body. The older we get those unwanted pounds is more difficult to explain, stay with us for quite a long time and easy to wear if we do not restrict eating and drinking habits.

Start your day. Having healthy foods such as Spirulina cereal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism and if you're a coffee drinker or tea, lay a rich sweet things and try to pack healthy coffee or tea.

Establish a plan for yourself, and give yourself reminders of how important this is in your life and for others who love and need you. Keep your goals realistic. Have the mindset that you want to eat and drink healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life. Drinking coffee and eating healthy all contribute to a healthy supplement to lose weight and have a beneficial lifestyle.

Energy bar rich in fiber and other goodies better than a cup cake or package of Twinkies. Eating fruits and vegetables, bread, rice or pasta for carbohydrates. Lean meat, fish, chicken, and protein-rich foods. Should also be part of your weight loss program? Beware of snack foods such as TV cakes, pizza, ice cream, cakes and cookies, French fries, hamburger with cheese on top. I know it is difficult to reject all things are really good but if you want to lose weight you must follow a healthy plan. Remember your body does not need the food is not healthy. If you decide that this is for the birds then you have to be one of those people who want Obama health plan "cash for coffins’.

Exercising daily, and do a rigorous job at least every other day and I mean tight. Out into the dripping sweat, you will see amazing results if you stick with it. Leave your car if you're only going a few blocks from home. Take stairs instead of the elevator, jog, bike or walk, re-arrange the furniture in your house, clean the garage, attic, go clean up your storage space, turn the dirt around in your garden, this is a great way to break out into a sweat. Especially keep your home tidy.

What I found very helpful is to share your goals with your friends. There is no better motivation than peer pressure. By letting others know what you do, you not only set a plan of action for yourself but it is a powerful source of inspiration. Just think how you would feel if you let you talk to all the people, down. Worse yet, think about how your body will feel!. Do not let your body go down, remember, you only have one, take the car.

The important thing to remember is to change your habits. So far, we always do the same thing. Give yourself the healthy coffee reminders. The relatively new for us Americans. Illiterate people today are people who cannot forget and re-learn. Forcing yourself to re-learn something new that will benefit you and do it today.

This is the thing to keep in mind. Healthy coffee and tea drink lots of water, vigorous exercise, eating balanced meals, enough sleep and plenty of exercise every day. This will give you a higher chance of losing weight and improving your health, which will generate a new, healthier you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Instant Healthy Skin Care Strategies Anyone Can Use

Ever wondered how to start a healthy skin care routine that does not involve the usual 12-step process? The good news, because if you are 20 or 60 years old, male or female, we all want to have healthy skin, look the best and certainly the three strategies can help you out!

We all do not want to look old before our time. Beginning moody or saggy skin, blemishes, wrinkles and dry skin is unhealthy skin care, in a word, press.

You may be wondering how on earth people 25 people 40 years look different but looks 40 years 60. Yes, it could be in their genes, however, most scientists generally agree that genetics may play a role more than 10% when it comes to our health or appearance as we age.

So, what is the healthy instant skin care strategy that determines how we look and feel as we age?

Here are three skin health strategies anyone can use:

1) Healthy Diet

"You are what you eat" as the saying goes and it's still true. Eat less processed foods that cause the skin to look poor nutrition, not to mention poor health. By not getting the right amount of essential nutrients daily, your skin loses over time of collagen and elastin.

Therefore, you must protect your skin healthy (and health) from the inside out! Just eat a balanced diet ... but, if you find that your diet is lacking in essential nutrients you can always add quality supplements.

2) Healthy Exercise

Believe it or not but exercise is not healthy to play a role in healthy skin care plan. Reasonable exercise, you do not have to be a fanatic because you just have to keep everything functioning properly, and flexible.

3) Healthy Skin Care Ingredients

Leather products even have ingredients that are healthier than the care of others to use. For example, products that contain parabens, dioxane, or mineral oil is much healthier for you and your skin from ingredients found in natural skin care products. However, not all products labeled "natural" is and that's why reading the label and do a little research is worth the time.

I'll give you a head start, here is a healthy ingredient to look for in skin care products:

Phytessence Wakame - Nature? You bet ... that a variety of kelp (native to the Sea of Japan). This is rich: sodium, iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamin B-complex PLUS. Here is what it does to your skin:

o improve skin elasticity

o slow the activity of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the skin)

Cynergy TK - Once again, you wonder if this is a natural substance. Yes ... was taken from New Zealand sheep wool. This is an interesting material to be part of a skin care product because it is almost like applying a liquid to your face and body skin. Here are some things it does for your skin:

o increase the production of collagen and elastin

o an increase in the production of new skin cells

o improve skin hydration and elasticity

o reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Since Phytessence Wakame and Cynergy TK is very new and currently only used by small niche skin care company, they are practically unheard of in the Western world.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Caring For Your Skin

There is no single solution for skin care. But there is a quick and easy that anyone can get a healthy skin without plastic surgery, dermatologist, or even the expensive creams. Product that works for some women just won’t work the same way for other women. Much of this is due to genetic factors that affect the active ingredient in skin care to produce varying results depending on who is using the product.

Caring for your skin is designed to enhance the look of your appearance. Important to note that the skin is the body's largest organ, thus maintaining healthy skin is an important step to a healthy body. The first step to healthy skin is to apply a moisturizer each time you shower. Shower can drastically reduce moisture. Next, drink plenty of water. Being well hydrated is key to skin properly maintained.

Your skin's biggest enemy is the sun. Middle of the day is the worst time for the sun, so try to limit your outdoor activities around this time. Or be sure to wear a hat if you must be outside during the day. No matter what your plan - no one should leave home without some type of sunscreen. Sunscreen will not only keep you from wrinkles, but consistent-wearing sunscreen have been proved effective in preventing skin cancer.

The final step to healthy skin is very clear: eating healthy. People who eat a healthy diet that has adequate vitamin skin healthier than people who do not. Eating healthy to prevent acne, but also help the skin repair itself if it becomes damaged by age or sun damage. Fruits and vegetables are the best foods one can choose to eat if they want to improve their skin. Fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that nourish the skin and is important as well as skin care products do. They are a must-have for anyone who is really committed to having a young, beautiful skin.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tips To Healthy Eating

If you ask me to explain to you what you eat healthy and what are the benefits of it I have to tell you the following. It is a balance of vitamins and minerals in your diet. The benefits of healthy eating which increases energy levels, the pattern of clear thinking, healthy organs, muscle hypertrophy, better skin quality, fully functional nervous system, and better blood flow.

Most people ask me "how to be healthy" and usually ask me if there is such a healthy eating guide that will help explain to them "what is healthy to eat." I'll give you three tips below are some ideas of healthy eating.

1) Avoid eating for at all costs. The best way for you to be healthy is to eat more or less frequently throughout the day. You want to stick to the high nutrient-dense foods such as leafy green vegetables, low sugar fruits such as avocado, tomato, lemon, lime, and orange. You can also throw in some fatty fish like salmon or tuna to reap the benefits of healthy eating. If eating healthy is something you are really interested in you will want to be careful to not "too hungry" or "too full" happy all the time! It's recommended that you eat a small dinner salad 30 minutes before your meal so that the digestive systems You can prepare for any damages that you happen to eat!

2) Drink lots of water! I would recommend drinking distilled water or reverse osmosis pure water at least. Did you know that hunger is often a sign of dehydration? Drinking more water is a sure way to show you "how to be healthy", after all we are 80% -90% water! Drinking water will help flush unwanted toxins stored in our bodies. Imagine cleaning the blood with fresh distilled water as clean water in your fish tank! Being hydrated has MANY benefits, including meeting the hunger and supplying our bodies with the oxygen needed for increased energy and better overall health.

3) Ditch the milk! Dairy products are very natural and human failure by the most consumed milk as it helps to build strong bones, right? No! Did you know that part of the guidelines for healthy eating and get ideas of healthy eating is to stop eating dairy? You'd be surprised how much better your body will feel after giving up milk! Since I have full milk is limited, and I mean RARELY I take it, like every 3-4 months in small quantities. Better substitute for healthy eating clean will include almond or rice milk, goat cheese, cream of coconut or almond milk ice cream ice milk. Honestly I would say this is the # 1 thing to give up if you are looking for some healthy meal ideas!

I hope you enjoyed this article on healthy eating and the benefits of healthy eating. Now I hope you say "give me something healthy to eat!" Be sure to take advantage of your healthy eating guide below!

Be sure to take advantage of unique furnish you lose fat on the link below. I've opened all the secrets I give to my personal clients in the report! You'll soon realize how good you are to make the decision to grab your copy today!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Healthy Skin, Hair and Teeth - Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Healthy Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and the most affected. Most people do not take proper care of their skin - either because of busy work or because of pure ignorance.

Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, and zinc are important for maintaining beautiful and healthy skin. Foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals include:






Citrus fruit





Olive oil


Sunflower seeds









This is only a partial list of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals you need for healthy skin. Food and drink you need to eliminate or reduce your consumption including alcohol, sugar, and saturated fat. Coffee and tea should be limited to two cups a day.

Because the skin often reflects the health of the entire body, eating healthy foods gives your body's health and as an added benefit, healthy skin.

Healthy Hair

Healthy hair depends on eating foods high in protein and certain vitamins and minerals. Inadequate protein intake over a long period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. Five amino acids have particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, lysine and arginine.

There are a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play a major role in helping someone have a healthy head of hair. Vitamins needed for healthy hair include Vitamin A, B6, biotin, inositol, and folic acid. Minerals required for good hair growth are magnesium, sulfur, silica and zinc.

Hair vitamin supplements may be necessary if a person is less healthy or malnourished as their hair will show damage and may even stop growing. For example, brittle hair is an indication of iron deficiency while prolonged and severe hair loss can mean the efficient functioning of the liver or thyroid.

Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth and gums, lack of plaque and debris, and the freshness of your breath can be a reminder of your overall health status. A healthy body means healthy teeth generally as well.

Such as promoting healthy skin and hair healthy, eating healthy foods (like a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables) also helps promote healthy teeth. These foods tend to help scrub the plaque off of teeth before it can turn into tartar. This is tartar that can lead to pockets in the gums where bacteria can take root and cause decay.

Vitamin C deficiency can cause bleeding gums and loose teeth and mouth sores Vitamin B complex is also essential for a healthy mouth as deficiencies can lead to cracking and bleeding of the lips and open wounds and cuts on both the inside and outside the mouth.

Calcium is a nutrient that makes the super strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D is an important factor in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Spent a total of about one hour each week in the sun will usually provide all the vitamin D you need.

In addition to causing other problems with our health, too much fluoride can cause permanent staining our teeth. It can also cause brain degeneration, and certain cancers. So be careful to fully rinse after brushing with fluoride toothpaste and fluoride after treatment at the dentist.


There is no other way. The only way to have healthy skin, hair and teeth healthy is to give your body the vitamins, minerals and protein needed to heat the food is healthy and well-rounded.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Healthy Fats

People always think that the fat in their diets are bad for their health and will make them overweight. Yes like everything else about too much of fatty foods will do you harm. But there are some fats that will do you much good, and your body can not operate properly without them. We took about omega 3 fatty acids.

Fat is essential for your body because your body can not produce them so we should make sure to eat them with our food. We can find them in nuts, fish, olive oil, or we just cannot them as a food supplement. You may have heard what a "healthy" fats do for your health and your overall logging.

Heat-related illnesses:

The positive effects of fat was confirmed by independent studies. Fat helps you keep your blood vessels and blood can circulate free to reduce your chances of heart stroke. Several studies have shown that healthy fats reduce the chances for heart disease to 80 percent. Studies have also shown that regular use of fats help reduce your cholesterol for 50 percent. They also help with high blood pressure.


Research has found that people using healthier fats have less chance to get cancer. Women have fewer chances to get breast cancer.


People with diabetes have the possibility of almost six times higher for heart attack as opposed to healthy people. Research has shown that regular use of omega 3 fats help reduce mortality by 30 percent. Healthy fats also help in the early stages of diabetes and can help to stop this disease.

Lose weight:

Healthy fats help you lose weight. They help keep blood sugar and insulin levels within normal levels. Both have an important role in lowering your weight. Maintain a normal blood sugar level is important because it gives the feeling that you do not need to eat. So you do not eat much during the day.

Do not be afraid of healthy fats they will do you more good than harm. So enrich your diet with healthy fats and you'll feel better and see results.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eating Healthy For a Better Heart

Records of medical-related deaths in recent decades indicate that the number most associated with heart attacks and heart-related problems. Become an important part of the body, and you should be careful to keep your heart healthy. People usually go for the taste and not for the quality of food. They ignore the foods that provide energy nutrients, and choosing foods that provide a sense of, and to kill hunger. Almost everyone eats at fast food outlets that serve the trash, but it tastes delicious. Have you ever realized how much damage a burger, fries, sausage, fast food and other causes to the heart? Consumption of excess salt and sugar are also considered unhealthy for the heart.

Yes, it is very difficult to avoid the tempting tasty hamburger and sausage juicy. However, make sure you stay away from them or get ready to face the cardiac cycle stops. The only alternative to hamburger hamburger is not, but if you must, makes sure that they contain very little mayonnaise, and stir fried sausage in a low amount of refined oil 10.

Studies show that approximately 80% of heart disease can be reduced through a healthy diet and proper. Well, if you're one of those people who eat fattening foods and have oodles of excess weight, it's time you control your diet and follow these tips.

Vegetarian food: There's nothing like the sound of pure vegetarian food. This does not mean that vegetarian food does not contain fat. They do, but less. Green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers are considered very healthy and increase the cholesterol in your body.

Non-vegetarian food: There are several methods for non-vegetarian cooking food to reduce heart risks. Add seasonings non-vegetarian food by mixing sage, dill, dry mustard, marjoram, tarragon, oregano, garlic, onions, etc., for reducing cholesterol and fat saturation.

Extra activities: Smoking, alcohol, excessive caffeine in the body can also increase the risk of heart disease. To keep your heart healthy, reduce or eliminate from your life, and engage in regular physical exercise, including cycling, running, jogging, cross training, etc. All this, not only makes your cardiovascular system strong, but also build stamina.

Here is a list of both vegetarian and non vegetarian foods that can help you stay fit and keep your heart healthy: white meat, lean red meat, whole grain foods, fruits, green / red and vegetables, low fat milk and dairy products, and low-cholesterol oil or olive oil.

Eat foods low in saturated fat and carefully read the ingredients used in food and do not trust the labels say low cholesterol. Brown, fast / junk food, mayonnaise, cheese, butter, etc. should be avoided whenever possible. Remember, avoid the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), which is the bad cholesterol, because it causes the complexity of the heart, while the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is good cholesterol, which must be present in the body to prevent the risk of cardio vascular. Things such as heredity, gender and age cannot be controlled, but the things that affect them must be. Therefore, eating healthy foods and keep an eye on your diet would be better to keep your heart safe.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tempe - The Super Healthy Probiotics Food

If you are a person concerned about health, healthy food should be in your family's daily menu. For your menu today, why do not you cook something delicious with probiotics contents and has many health benefits to reduce the risk of cancer, both for the diabetic diet, lowers cholesterol, boosts the immune system, and even help weight loss program? 'Is there one single food that has all these benefits?' Yes, it is Tempe, a traditional food made of Tempe!

In my country, Indonesia, Tempe has been our traditional food of perhaps hundreds of years ago. We can find Tempe in almost all markets, even in small villages. Tempe has become part of our lives. Do we cook for daily meals (served with rice), or when we have a meal at the restaurant, we always can find Tempe. This is because the Tempe can be processed into delicious food. But not as many health benefits!

Tempe is one of many food sources of probiotics. Rhizopus oligosporus, good bacteria contained in Tempe, produces a natural antibiotic that inhibits some harmful bacteria. Rhyzopus also can improve the health of your intestinal tract, as well as the health of your skin from atopic dermatitis, acne, cellulitis, etc. On the other hand, the fermentation process that turns the whole soybeans into Tempe produces an enzyme called phytase enzyme. This enzyme can break down phytic acid, and therefore increases the body's absorption of minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, and. Good news for those of you who have anemia, as Tempe are also claimed to have 4mg iron/100 gram!

High Protein - Low Calorie
Tempe, which is processed from soybeans, a high protein diet, even the highest among other plant foods. Daily consumption of 166 gram Tempe contributes approximately 60% of daily protein needs. And the fact that Tempe has less than 329 calories is safe to assume that Tempe could be the right choice of healthy food!

As a source of vegetable protein, Tempe can provide healthy food for people with diabetes as well. People with diabetes can use Tempe in place of animal protein foods such as milk and meat.

Now you can get many health benefits of soybean isoflavones, which include:
• Increase bone mineral density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis
• Antioxidants to fight free radicals that cause cancer
• Lowers cholesterol (LDL and increasing HDL)
• Reduce the risk of heart disease
• Relieve symptoms of menopause

High Fiber
High content of soybean fiber are found in Tempe can help patients with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels. It can also prevent colon cancer, improving kidney health by replacing animal protein with soy, and prevent diarrhea in children.

Improve Immune System and Health
Amino acids can enhance the benefits of Tempe in boosting the immune system. Tempe is also an important source of vitamin B12, which vegetarians can use to replace meat, and an excellent source of calcium.

Low-Calorie & Low Carbohydrate
and last but not least, Tempe is a food fit for a weight loss diet. Being low in calories and low carbs, including Tempe in your diet food list, will help you to reduce the amount of fat stored in your body. If you combine diet with exercise is perfect, you will increase muscle mass which will help you to burn fat. And what makes it more perfect; Tempe has a high protein you can use to get your energy back after your weight loss sessions.

So, I do not need to underline, that Tempe is definitely super healthy food for healthy people, with a healthy budget, which, with a little creativity can turn into a super delicious food!

Healthy People Know You Can Get Too Much of a Good Thing

Many people mistakenly believe that if the little things that improve their lives in some ways it is more of the same will make their lives better!

Not necessarily so! You can definitely get too much of a good thing.

For example, your body needs plenty of water every day to keep your system fully operational by the neurological messages and accurate. However, if you drink more water than is optimal for your body (details to follow), you will wash the electrolytes you need to live and function.

Everybody knows your body needs protein, carbohydrates and fat to live a healthy glow. How much do you need of each? Exact figures can be very different from one expert called to the next. Surprisingly, too much protein, carbohydrates and unmatched by proportionally much fat will cause you to gain weight. Same goes for too many carbohydrates or too much fat. You need enough of each AND you do not need more than what you are balancing the welfare of

For many people who eat some of your favorite foods every day they become allergic to food than eating it so often.

When several people are injured they take painkillers. They may start with the recommended dosage. Unfortunately, following the idea that if a little but it works well then more people will work better in the second overdose themselves over-the-counter and prescription medications. Overdosing on something that seems ordinary and innocent as a product of ibuprofen can cause death very quickly.

The same goes for sleeping. Some experts insist that adults need eight hours of sleep each night for optimal health and functioning. Some studies reveal that people only need four hours of sleep. Often, people who sleep more than they need to find a decrease in energy levels and lower levels of functioning throughout the day. They may find themselves slowed and slipped into a depressed state.

Notice the times when you live with the thought that if a little help so much help anymore. You might just save your life.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Guide to Healthy Eating

The first tip is to embrace variety. According to experts, you need over 40 nutrients for your body to have optimal health is needed. Therefore, you will realize that to get all the nutrients you should eat a variety of foods. You need to take in foods ranging from fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and many more.

You constantly have to pick up grains, vegetables and fruits. Nutrients will provide the food that will help your body function at its peak. Important to know the portion that you must take in to all food categories. You need about three servings of grains and three servings of vegetables. You also need at least two servings of fruit on this ad will work well to ensure that essential nutrients are distributed in your body.

To eat healthy, you need to maintain your weight. When it comes to the type of weight you should weigh, there are several factors that will help determine this. There are factors of age, height, descent, and even sex. If you have excess reserves of fat, you are susceptible to health conditions such as diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and even cancer.

For those who have problems too thin, such as osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and others will become rampant. Therefore, you need to balance and keep the weight that will facilitate better health. In addition to eating healthy, you need to do physical exercises to help you avoid unwanted fat and keep your body strong.

To be healthy, you need to see parts of the food you take in. You need to portions no larger than a deck of playing cards. This suggests that the excess portion will only hurt you. The best thing is to take a portion of a lot throughout the day but they are not too large. You will be in a position to get your metabolism up and running. In this way, you can burn calories faster and maintain health.

Another tip is that instead of labeling certain foods and eliminate them learn to take them in moderation. This may be a diet rich in fat or salt. Moderation will ensure that you do not get into the habit of diet that cannot retain. If these foods are rich in fat and salt or sugar is consumed in low amounts, they will not do major damage in the body. If you need to make changes in your diet, do it gradually and realistically. This way, you will learn to adapt to the new healthy patterns that are important in your life.

Friday, June 15, 2012

What Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Do Healthy People Need?

Why healthy people take vitamin and mineral supplements?

Many people who eat the typical American diet do not get adequate amounts of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients their bodies need. Complementing the larger amount of nutrients may offer protection from certain diseases.

Most Americans are not getting enough calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc in their diet. People who diet to lose weight are at risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Another group of people who are particularly at risk are the elderly dietary deficiencies. Older adults often have a deficiency of vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, zinc, and vitamins B1 and B2.

What is the importance of taking ...

Vitamin A - essential for the functioning of the immune system?
Vitamin D - do not get enough of this vitamin is associated with bone loss and fractures in older adults and postmenopausal women.
Vitamin E - is associated with lower risk of heart disease.
Calcium - most people earn less than the desired amount of calcium in their diet. Calcium is essential to prevent bone loss.
Magnesium - also helps prevent bone loss.
Zinc - has been shown to enhance immune function in healthy people.

Supplementing with folic acid is very important, about 11% of healthy people in the U.S. Another deficiency of folic acid. A diet low in folic acid have been associated with a higher risk than normal pre-cancerous polyps in the colon. A woman who are pregnant and who take a multivitamin with folic acid in it to reduce the risk of having a baby has birth defects and other congenital defects.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Healthy Foods for a Healthy People

Most of us want to eat well. Although we may not always choose the best of food, we see and hear about healthy foods from various sources. Sometimes, however, that information can be confusing, and if we do not have a good education in what to look for in choosing healthy foods, we often can be misleading.

Since the trend is towards healthy eating, many companies have made a twist in their product line to include the so-called healthy foods. However, many of their products are just glorified junk food. They still contain sugar, corn syrup, white flour, preservatives, milk and whey protein, and so fine that you still do not get food that promote good health. Instead of getting a high nutrient, you might just end up with higher calories - something you do not want or need.

Education is the key here; however, the first thing to consider is where you shop. Stores where healthy foods are sold, and where you will not be tempted to buy unhealthy foods. Also, do not shop with coupons. You will rarely find coupons to promote healthy eating. Most commonly, foods that are cheaply made, engineered to taste good, and many are advertised on the coupon. So consider the following information so that you can make a large selection of healthy foods.

food in their natural state is clearly more nutritious because they have a natural fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein, untouched. Plus they have no additional sweeteners, enhancers, colors, additives, fats, etc. added. We need to remember why we eat! From the food we eat to our bodies, and if the food does not provide good food, then they are likely to cause adverse affects on the body - congesting, pollution, and create health problems and diseases. We need foods that contain vitamins and minerals to nourish our cells; fibers to clean; protein to build and repair; natural carbohydrates to give us energy, and a good source of fat to help our brains and organs to function properly. Food must accomplish two things: food and cleaning, and even though our water is the best cleaner, clean food, too. If food is not healthy and clean, in fact they are not the actual food - just filler and fluff! So the answer is why many people are actually more severe!

White flour is a common ingredient in many of our foods today. However, white flour is void of fiber, oils, and vitamins and minerals that naturally occur in wheat kernel. If white flour can be used as an adhesive, then what might it do to our intestines (creating all kinds of digestive disorders and bowel)? Though today many to choose whole wheat bread, it is better than wheat itself. Whole grains in all their varieties (brown rice, barley, oats, millet, quinoa, kamut, oats, spelled, amaranth, etc.) are great for breakfast cereal, added to whole-meal salad for lunch, main dish for dinner, and even desserts. We need more fiber and fiber and whole grains are perfectly designed to give the body what it needs. Just shoot them, or cook them a few at a time, and keep them refrigerated for use at that time in various ways.

Sweetener is a real consideration these days. Our biggest problem with health and weight loss is addicted to sugar, and that's why it was inadvertently included in most processed foods - to create an addiction to it. Sugar can actually be considered a drug because it is empty of all vitamins and minerals, and thus only can cause chemical reactions in the body. It cannot maintain or create positive benefits for the body in any way. Better than eating sweets, cakes, and desserts, are choosing to eat good sources of raw natural fruit itself. Often it is our bodies really crave. When we choose to eat something sweet besides fruits, choose sweeteners like raw honey, raw dates, stevia, brown rice syrup, other natural sweeteners, and fructose on the occasion. These sweeteners provide vitamins and minerals and works with the body, not against.

o Our meat market is currently producing unhealthy animals unfit for human consumption. Animals fed the market mainstream hormones to help them grow faster and produce faster, produce antibiotics to keep them without an infection in their crowded state, and even their own bi-products although livestock and poultry are herbivores by nature. If that's not enough, their slaughter houses have been soaking solution for water retention, which also contains dirt, feces, blood, etc. are all absorbed into the meat. Fat and connective tissue in meat to make the most difficult foods to digest - which does not heat the body and can be used to our advantage at times. However, we have been blessed with wonderful nuts - peanuts in all their varieties: black beans, pinto beans, soy beans, kidney beans, navy beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, and more. Just keep in mind that most of the worlds rely on beans as their main staple, so it should not seem unusual to us. They are full of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a good balance of carbohydrates. And they have very little fat (especially compared to meat with the same amount of protein), and no connective tissue, so they are easier to digest. We will greatly benefit from consuming a variety of nuts every day and cut the meat is not healthy.

o Many of us have grown up drinking milk. Once again, our milk market is the market like meat and dairy products from unhealthy animals are unfit for human consumption. Think about it! Are you taking hormone supplements and antibiotics every day? Well you are getting a good dose of them if you consume dairy products the main stream market. It is often brought out that our children reach puberty earlier, our legs grew longer, our high-rise, and the average weight increased, partly due to the hormones we consume through meat and dairy products. If that's not enough, keep in mind that many of the milk produced Grade B - which allows up to 5% of blood and pus from the infected cow utter. No, they will not let it be sold for drinking milk, but they use it to make cheese and other dairy products. Milk is not the best source of calcium as we have been brainwashed to think. Because the pasteurization process, the calcium in milk is digested. Our best sources of calcium from green vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, wheat and beans. What we really need to drink is water - pure water is good. The best way is a natural cleanser and we really do not need another drink. Water has a clean taste better than the one who said it is pure and what our bodies need. Nothing can be compared with the importance of water!

o Raw fruits and vegetables is one of the most important food. They are rich in water for cleaning large, they provide essential vitamins and minerals that are perfect and the amount of fiber. Plus, they give us a natural digestive enzymes to not only aid digestion, but for cell respiration and reproduction. When we do not have natural enzymes, our cells do not reproduce properly. For best digestion, fruits are best eaten first thing in the morning and for a snack mid-morning or late afternoon. They do not digest well with other foods and do not make great desserts. Vegetables are great for any meal and prepared in various ways. Although raw is always better, if we do not chew enough and true, then we can actually assimilate more nutrients than cooked vegetables that have been somewhat broken down in the cooking process. Organically grown products are not always much higher in nutrients if it takes too early or too ripe when eaten, however, remember that they are grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals which is an advantage.

If you are addicted to fast foods and convenience foods, type of diet may seem a bit of change. However, the change is simpler than you might think. Just focus on good nutrition and healthy cleaning, and removing those who do not. Read the labels, learn the art of preparing healthy recipes, and enjoy a whole new world of great food. Then you will increase your energy system with a cleaner, more functional!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Foot Facts - Tips for Healthy Feet

Your feet are your foundation. They serve to support weight during stance and to push the body forward during gait. There are 26 bones in each foot and a total of 206 bones in the human body. Thus, your legs reach 25% of the bones in your body! The average person takes between 5000 and 7000 steps per day and is increased for people who are more active.

You do not need to have foot pain foot problems. Typically, a mechanical problem unresolved their feet for long periods before it causes symptoms. Sometimes mechanical problems only became apparent after the change or increase a person's activity level or weight gain (due to added stress and pain produced). In addition, mechanical problems or alignment in the foot can change the mechanics and joint position higher in the kinetic chain, including ankles, knees, hips, back and even neck! Thus, the posture of the foot related to posture one's whole body and mechanical foot problems can cause or contribute to pain in other areas of the body. Not corrected, postural imbalances and uneven wear of the joints that can accelerate the degeneration of the joints (arthritis).

1) Select appropriate footwear:

Unfortunate tendency is people choose fashion over function, however, shoes with poor support and fit is often a cause or contributor to musculoskeletal disorders feet. High shoes women’s heels are the worst cause of excessive force weight distribution on the feet and the inner ball deviation of the toes. When choosing shoes ...

a) selecting a thin flat or cure than high heels

b) ensure conformity of the right

The toe box should not give excessive pressure on the top, side or front legs. A good tip when buying shoes is to take the insole out and put your foot on it - trail you do not have to go to the edge of the insole to fit properly. Another tip is to shop for shoes late in the day as the trail you will be slightly larger than the pressure that day.

c) adequate for motion control and support, the shoe must pass the test 4

- Test Dish Rag: if the shoe spins easily, it fails the test

- Pinch Test: if the soft heel counter, failed the test

- Test of the Day: shoe should bend easily where your toes bend naturally only

- Shelf Test: There should not be any drift of the shelf relative to the heel at the sight of shoes at the end

2) Replace shoes every year:

Running shoes should be replaced at least every year, but more quickly (every 3-6 months) for overweight runner or as a shoe structure breaks down more quickly.

3) Weight loss if overweight:

Overweight loads will result in more on all the joints of the body but especially the feet because they support the entire body. As a result, obese people tend to have flat arches more often than the general population. Muscles also need to work harder to support the weight excess. Strength of weight gain also aggravate mechanical problems or alignment.

4) Do the exercises for the legs and calves:

Proper stretching and strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities can be very beneficial. Tight, shortened muscles need to stretch and weaker, elongated muscles must be strengthened. Thus, the muscles become more balanced which adds balance to the joint mechanics related. Chiropractor can give you more specifically related to the particular case. For example, stretch your calf is very beneficial for those with plantar fasciitis (painful inflammation and scarring of fasciia that causes plantar heel pain and arch are the worst with the first steps in the morning). Roll your foot forward and return the tennis ball is good, massaging and improving circulation. There are also specific exercises for those with flat feet that help to strengthen and support the longitudinal arch of the foot.

5) Have a gait scan:

Having a gait scan involves walking barefoot in the pressure-sensitive mat. A computer records the data and produce images of where you put pressure on your feet when you walk. This is compared with the normal leg. Scan gait (along with analysis of chiropractic) helps to determine the need for orthotics. Data from the scan can be used to create custom-made orthotics that will reduce the normal function of the foot when walking and realign your foot to a more normal position. A total of 60-70% people have some kind of normal foot function and may benefit from a custom prescription orthotics.

6) Has the analysis of chiropractic:

Chiropractors are skilled in assessing your posture, alignment and function of the neuromusculoskeletal system. As mentioned earlier, the position of the foot related to posture. So if you have foot problems, the analysis of the full benefit of the spine as well. Chiropractic adjustments to help normalize spinal mechanics and also strengthen the overall response to orthotic prescription. Chiropractic can assess bone in the foot and determine whether a particular joint is restricted. If the joint is limited then it means that other joints must compensate - this can cause pain. Adjustments to help correct this.

7) Other:

Other tips for good foot health including regular cardiovascular exercise and a healthy and balanced diet because it is beneficial to overall health and healing. It is also important to maintain good foot hygiene, including keeping nails neat. Check your feet for any unusual changes in appearance.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wool Socks For Healthy Feet

Socks merino wool from Australia is very good for a healthy foot.

Wool socks are ideal for Australia and New Zealand work, bush walking, bike riding, sporting activities and everyday wear. Made from the highest quality pure wool fabric socks like breathe and absorb moisture to keep your feet comfortable in summer and winter. Socks without elastic are ideal for diabetics and people with circulatory problems.

Wool socks, Australia and New Zealand provide the highest level of insulation for protection from heat and cold. They are not only warm but also wick moisture from the skin and allow water vapor through the wool fibers. All this without losing thermal properties.

Studies show that the ability of wool fibers to absorb and neutralize unpleasant odors much better than other textiles. The socks are simply the best for most activities!

Wool is a remarkable isolation. It is resistant to fire, repels water and 'breathe'! Besides - it's completely natural.

In recent years the Australian wool industry is reduced in size, as prices fell. Long-term wool producers making the switch to beef. Products become more expensive. But the decline in sheep numbers has stopped and there is hope that this is a turning point.

Thanks to companies like OzWool online is still a demand for pure wool Australia. OzWwool Online is an online shop Australia for high-quality wool garments for women, men and children. When you purchase products online Oz Wool tweeds they ensure quality and customer service teams provide full support. When you buy the Australia and New Zealand made woolen product you are buying a quality and assurance. Australia and New Zealand is the world's largest supplier of wool and woolen clothes.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Top Reasons To Keep Your Feet Healthy

Or feet take a beating on a regular basis, often not considered and the less we have to give them care, or ignore them when they tried to tell us something. Foot pain is the way our feet let us know that we're doing something wrong or ignore the problem.

Our feet have a great job in acting as the basis for our bodies, we pushed forward, backward and any direction that the body wants to move. They also took the impact and absorb shock every time our feet on the ground. That's a lot to ask and it is no wonder that so many people suffer from foot problems each year. In fact, 75 percent of adults will experience a foot condition at some point in their lives, while others deal with the painful condition on a regular basis.

Foot problems can cause problems in other areas such as ankles, knees and hips because they all work together to move the body in all directions. In addition to 26 bones, there is an elaborate make-up of muscles and ligaments that makeup the foot and allows them to do their jobs. Intrinsic muscles begin and end in the feet and make up and make some in a single layer and stretch in the arch. End of the extrinsic muscles in the leg but starting in the lower leg, wraps around the cross design that allows the foot to move in any direction.

When someone is running normally, the foot absorbs the impact and ankle rolls slightly after the heel hits the ground. Problems will often arise when there is more pronation. During pronation is when the ankle and the foot rolls in too far and this can lead to painful conditions quite a bit. General condition is the result of over-pronation is corn, calluses, bunions and hammer toes.

The most important thing you can do to prevent foot problems and conditions that are painful to wear comfortable shoes. A good shoe should provide enough space for your legs are in a natural position and not be too tight either the width or length. If you pronate too, consider the motion control shoes to help stabilize the heel and keep it from rolling in.

Walking is a healthy thing you can do for your feet, provided you have a pair of running shoes. It strengthens and stretches your legs and keeps it in good working condition. It's also good for the heart and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. It's more important for your feet than you might imagine. Maintain a healthy weight is good for many reasons, but also can keep you from having fallen arches as a result of too much pressure. As with many other disease conditions that are affected by our weight, the condition of our feet will stay healthy if we treat the entire body.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Top Reasons To Keep Your Feet Healthy

Our feet take a beating on a regular basis, often not considered and we have to care about them, or ignore them when they tried to tell us something. Foot pain is the way our feet let us know that we're doing something wrong or ignore the problem.

Our feet have a great job in acting as the basis for our bodies, we pushed forward, backward and any direction that the body wants to move. They also took the impact and absorb shock every time our feet on the ground. That's a lot to ask and it is no wonder that so many people suffer from foot problems each year. In fact, 75 percent of adults will experience a foot condition at some point in their lives, while others deal with the painful condition on a regular basis.

Foot problems can cause problems in other areas such as ankles, knees and hips because they all work together to move the body in all directions. In addition to 26 bones, there is an elaborate make-up of muscles and ligaments that makeup the foot and allows them to do their jobs. Intrinsic muscles begin and end in the feet and make up and make some in a single layer and stretch in the arch. End of the extrinsic muscles in the leg but starting in the lower leg, wraps around the cross design that allows the foot to move in any direction.

When someone is running normally, the foot absorbs the impact and ankle rolls slightly after the heel hits the ground. Problems will often arise when there is more pronation. During pronation is when the ankle and the foot rolls in too far and this can lead to painful conditions quite a bit. General condition is the result of over-pronation is corn, calluses, bunions and hammer toes.

The most important thing you can do to prevent foot problems and conditions that are painful to wear comfortable shoes. A good shoe should provide enough space for your legs are in a natural position and not be too tight either the width or length. If you pronate too, consider the motion control shoes to help stabilize the heel and keep it from rolling in.

Walking is a healthy thing you can do for your feet, provided you have a pair of running shoes. It strengthens and stretch your legs and keep it in good working condition. It's also good for the heart and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. It's more important for your feet than you might imagine. Maintain a healthy weight is good for many reasons, but also can keep you from having fallen arches as a result of too much pressure. As with many other disease conditions that are affected by our weight, the condition of our feet will stay healthy if we treat the entire body.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

10 Homemade Tricks to Keep Your Feet Healthy

Cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing set of skin care principles, and practices are not necessarily limited to only facial care routine. Unfortunately, professional foot pampering at the salon can be very expensive, and they may not meet your expectations. However, there are some homemade tricks that are guaranteed to shine and keep your feet healthy:

1. Soak your feet in milk and water.

Milk and water mixture makes a good soaking bath for tired feet. The mixing of warm milk and hot water, and soak your feet below would be a very relaxing experience. Do not forget to wash your feet with clean water and dry immediately.

2. Bathing your feet in lavender.

Lavender foot bath is a homemade recipe that your feet will surely love. It uses lavender oil, lavender stalks and fresh roses to give your feet relief refreshing and aromatic.

3. Wash your feet with brown sugar mixture.

Sugar is known as an excellent exfoliant, especially the brown sugar. Mix brown sugar, ground oatmeal, aloe vera gel and lemon juice will certainly slough off dead skin cells which are abundant in the foot.

4. Rub your feet with peppermint.

Rub with peppermint to give a twist, refreshing mint to treat common foot. You will need peppermint oil, along with eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil and grapeseed oil to feel the freshness. Add the brown sugar will make the mixture is ready for scrubbing.

5. Exfoliate your feet with strawberries.

Strawberry extracts makes great exfoliant as well, because they are rich in alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). When dead skin cells sloughed off, revealing glowing skin healthy looking legs exposed.

6. Moisturize your feet regularly.

As important as it is to exfoliate, moisturize your feet is a must. This is done to restore the natural moisture of the foot is often removed from the peeling of the skin too much, and even stress. Essentials oils, beeswax and cocoa butter are used in most homemade lotion to hydrate enough legs.

7. Apply a foot balm.

Foot balm may not make a common practice, but the homemade foot balm really make great moisturizing ingredients as well. Essential oils and beeswax are common make-up at the foot balm, leaving your legs really smooth and supple.

8. Whiten your legs with lemon.

Lemon has a strong bleaching property, and add the baking soda until it forms a paste-like consistency is a good recipe for whitening your feet. It would be nice to see your legs look more radiant each and every day.

9. Controlling excessive foot perspiration.

Some people experience excessive sweating in the feet, and this is often a major faux pas socially. Soaking your feet sweat in warm water with Epsom salt will give you amazing results within a few weeks.

10. Treat your feet hurt.

Spent the day working, walking or shopping will make you very tired legs. Try mixing the aromatic oils with corn oil and olive oil in a large bowl. Soaking your feet in this mixture will provide greater therapeutic relief.

Actually there are a lot of homemade recipes that will allow you to come up with a cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing agents to help keep your feet healthy-looking. With some experimentation, you'll know what kind of home-made solution is best for you.

Friday, April 20, 2012

How Aromatherapy Can Help You Keep Your Sanity During the Holidays

December of each year is a time of high stress, physically, mentally and spiritually for many people. Season should be a time of celebration and joy can actually result in decreased immunity caused more colds, for gastrointestinal disorders, falls and trauma, for emotional disorders, depression and the "blues." Is there something in nature to help you through the holidays while maintaining your sanity? As a certified aroma therapist, I have some tips for you.

Physical Balance

Keeping your immune system healthy, get enough sleep, do you exercise, eat in moderation. Here are your aromatherapy tips:

Use lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) before bed. You can put a few drops on the temples, or sprinkle 1-2 drops on your pillow. Does not use too much, will have the opposite effect and make you stay awake!
Use oils such as frankincense (Boswellia carteri,) Thieves essential oil blend, oregano (Origanum compactum), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) to strengthen the immune system. Taking a good probiotic is also a good idea.
To keep your digestive tract healthy, use Peppermint (Mentha peperita), Di-Gize blend of essential oils, ginger (Zingiber officinale) or fennel (Foeniculum vulgare).

Emotional Balance

the holidays are a difficult time emotionally so it is important to give yourself an emotional break. You can not please everyone so try to please ourselves. What gives you joy? Here are a few tips of aromatherapy:

Use oils such as rose (Rosa damacena), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), orange (Citrus sinensis), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) to calm, balance, relax and revitalize your spirit.
Use the oil mixture containing oil emotionally harmonious balance. This mixture is often given a name that shows how they work on the body. For example, Joy, Harmony, Peace and calm, Christmas Spirit, Essence season. This extraordinary blend to balance all the people in your house when they were scattered.

Spiritual Balance

The holiday season is a time of reflection and goes in but they can be miserable with anxiety and pressure to get "everything" was done to celebrate. Often the joy is missing at the time of planned arrival. How do we maintain our balance and not "lose our religion?" Here are a few tips of aromatherapy:

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) is top on my list along with Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea). This is the gift of the king and the three gifts given to the Christ child. Yes, balsam fir is considered "liquid gold" in ancient gold coins that are not provided by the Magi. This oil is high in all terpenes makes them ideal to affect the brain limbic system, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland. Are you diffusing them or rub their bodies on this oil will lift you out of the "blues" and help you calm your overactive mind. Comes into spiritual balance will come to a place of unity, essential oils can help.

You will want to use only pure therapeutic grade essential oils. Buy them from health food stores or from companies that do not perform their own testing would cause less than desired effect.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Using Aromatherapy to Balance the Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light". There are seven chakras, each representing a different spiritual energy centers in our body that transmits and receives energy to and from the Spirit (aka God, the universe, etc.). When your chakras are not balanced, the physical and emotional health is affected. Aromatherapy can be used as one method to balance the chakras and help you return to a state of peace, be happy and healthy. In this article, I will talk about areas of the body that governs each chakra, the characteristics of balanced and unbalanced chakras, oils that can be used in aromatherapy to help balance the chakras and some examples of how to easily incorporate this in your everyday life .

Root Chakra

Correspondence Color: Red
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Clove

Root Chakra is the first or base chakra. It connects our passion for our bodies and our body to Mother Earth. It is located at the bottom of the spine. The root chakra set our instincts of survival or self-preservation. Certain aspects of our personalities associated with this chakra primordial feeling of safety and security as well as primal sexual urges. If the root chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, healthy and full of life, active, energetic, capable of completing tasks, we feel that life is abundant, we are happy and healthy sexual. At such moments, root chakra can be thrown out of balance due to unforeseen circumstances such as death of a loved one. Such events have a way to change our world inside out and it's not surprising that we would lose balance chakra along with the others. If the root chakra is balanced, a person may feel fear, the victim, cut off from themselves and prone to violent outbursts.

Sacral Chakra

Correspondence Color: Orange
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Rose, Sage, and Bergamot

The second chakra is the sacral chakra and is located just below the belly button in the lower abdomen. Sacral chakras regulate our emotions and sexuality. Someone with a balanced sacral chakra sexual energy to enjoy the beautiful and great awareness to their emotions. If the sacral chakra is unbalanced, you may feel too emotional or poor all the time or at the end of the spectrum, will be entirely cut off from people and emotionally unavailable. Other signs of imbalance include sexual dysfunction, infidelity and fear of intimacy.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Correspondence Color: Yellow
Essential oils: Frankincense, Rose, Myrrh, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Chamomile, and Rosemary

Solar Plexus Chakra The third chakra and is located above the navel in the upper abdomen, below the chest. Solar plexus chakras regulate our sense of self, our self-esteem and personal power development. If the solar plexus chakra is balanced we have low self-esteem, fear of rejection, too sensitive to criticism, self-image fears and doubts.

Heart Chakra

Correspondence color: Green or Pink
Essential Oils: Orange Essential Oils (Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, etc.), Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Rose and Lavender

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located in the chest. The heart chakra is all about love and healing. Painful situations that can hurt this chakra is a divorce or separation, death of loved ones, emotional abuse, abandonment or adultery. If the heart chakra is balanced we experience feelings of sadness, depression loneliness, and we cannot freely express love.

Throat Chakra

Correspondence Color: Blue
Essential Oils: Peppermint, Spearmint, Chamomile, Bergamot and Basil

Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and is located in the throat, neck and ears. Throat chakra regulates our ability to communicate effectively and to listen and understand others. If the throat chakra is unbalanced, a person may have difficulty expressing themselves, and the ability to suppress the feelings of a poor learning experience. Other symptoms of imbalance including plain habit, fear, doubt and uncertainty.

Third Eye Chakra

Correspondence Color: Indigo
Essential oils: patchouli, sandalwood, Clary Sage, Vetiver, Cypress and Juniper

Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra and is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. The third eye chakra regulate our ability to use common sense, intelligence, wisdom, interpreting dreams, spirituality and intuition. If the third eye chakra is unbalanced, a person may lack intuition, common sense, become forgetful, have trouble sleeping and suffer from confusion.

Crown Chakra

Correspondence Color: White / Violet
Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose and Sandalwood

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra. Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra helps us connect and communicate with Spirit. When the crown chakra is balanced you may feel like you lack the creativity and spiritual disconnected. You can be very materialistic, stuck in the pain of the past, and worry about the future. Focusing on the property may be the way you feel full.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about the chakras and the characteristics of each, the correspondence of colors and essential oils that can be used for balance. If you feel that one of your chakras are not balanced, the use of aromatherapy in conjunction with meditation can help achieve balance again.

Here are some simple ways that you can use aromatherapy to help balance your chakras.

• Bath or shower with products made with essential oils that are tuned to a particular chakra.
• Use a tissue with a few drops of desired essential oil and breathe deeply focused on the balance.
• Burning incense during meditation.
• Wear clothes or jewelry from the corresponding chakra color while you focus on creating balance and harmony.


Friday, March 30, 2012

What Are the Aromatherapy Benefits

It's no surprise that someone growing up and of Western culture today wants to know more about how to switch to organic over their health.

Aromatherapy benefits hundreds of people in different ways, and the fact that he did so without a laundry list of side effects that are used to see attached to the end of the ad for the latest wonder drug to hit the market. We are a culture that has slowly addicted to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry, and billions of dollars in products which they convince us we cannot do without, and it's past time that we rediscover the culture of how people lived centuries ago are able to keep yourself healthy by using natural elements.

In the case of aromatherapy, the benefits are well known and the desire by many people, including an increased ability to cope with stress, lasting clarity and a sense of peace, assuming that the person is involved in this type of therapy sessions regularly. It's not just about using the sense of smell to allow the mind to absorb the scent oil, because there are far more profound physiological reaction works here as well. When you allow peace a strong aroma of the essences of concentrated oil flow to the lungs, herbal ingredients are passively absorbed directly into the bloodstream, where they can have the most rapid effect possible on your body as a whole.

While repeated sessions will always be recommended by an experienced therapist, one can begin to have a positive effect on their first try, so they can quickly relax and begin to feel better about things that happen in their lives. Aromatherapy benefits both body and mind, and by inhaling essences terrible treasures found in nature, we are led to the chemical balance in our bodies that affect the inherent ability to resist injury and illness to be changed slightly. Chemical changes can stay with us to provide a lasting positive impact, and without any side effects that cannot naturally come along with taking such a pill that is supposed to accomplish the same thing.

When a person first began exploring the world of aromatherapy, the benefits experienced by the body they can be very powerful. Their regulatory systems, as well as their immune systems are sent into overdrive. Depending on the potential of oil they use, and type of plant derived oils, they may see effects such as the ability to heal from cuts and scratches faster and with less scarring. Their minds will also be improved, and they may have an easier time staying on task at work. List of aromatherapy benefits that a person can experience goes on and on, but even if one does not learn about the practice for long-term benefits, there is no denying that the aromatherapy session itself is very relaxing and revitalizing experience that everyone owes to themselves to have at least once.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Injury Healing Oil - Aromatherapy First Aid Kit

Whether you use aromatherapy as a stand-alone or as a complementary treatment first aid there are several aromatic oils I'd like to recommend you received in your first aid kit aromatic.

My recommendations include important details for you to consider when buying oil, such as Latin Name, Country of Origin, Method of Extraction and Part of Plant Used. I also list the best oils to consider when creating a synergistic blend.

Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) - Italian Everlasting, Immortelle Certified Organic, Steam Distilled Blossoms in Corsica.

Highly regenerative nature is both warm and fragrant with the scent of honey as a bit.

Key words: POWERFUL HEALING DEEP & Regeneration. Helichrysum is regenerative and one of the strongest of all known anti-inflammatory essential oils. Sacred and gentle healing oil used Helichrysum for tissue repair and healing.

Because of Helichrysum gentle nature that can be applied neat, without using carrier oil, injured or bruised tissue after an accident or injury and in areas of inflammation, pain and swelling.

Note: As with the neat aromatic oils are applied if you have experienced skin reactions please dilute with vegetable oil such as jojoba-based.

Helichrysum affect all levels of your being - body, mind and soul and emotion.

Its capacity for healing damaged tissues derived from its ability to actively remove debris from the area of cellular bruises and cuts which are then absorbed into your blood, thus eliminating discoloration and slight pressure on the nerves with subsequent pain.

Through a circulation increase of Helichrysum blood supply, lymph and nerve action to help reform the fracture and support healthy skin and tissue.

Use it to fade old scars and adhesions and the healing of skin tissue.

I've been consistently good results by mixing Helichrysum Vetiver to relieve heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat and panic attacks!

I've heard reports that Helichrysum may help reduce the risk of stroke.

Use Helichrysum to enhance any mixture to relieve chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Helichrysum oil is very supportive and comforting and enhances personal and spiritual growth. Try in a mix of meditation!

Helichrysum may be useful to overcome the emotional scars long loop that maintains an active memory buried deep in the subconscious mind, and completing and releasing addictions treatment strategies that no longer serve you!

Try a mixture of Helichrysum synergistically with one of the following aromatic oils: Atlas Cedarwood, Himalayan Cedarwood, Chamomile German, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, petitgrain, Frankincense, Rose sandalwood, spikenard and Vetiver

Please join me for the next article in this series to learn about the next essential oil I suggest you have in your Essential Oil Aromatherapy Kits - Universal Healing Oil.

The essential oil is properly granted is a natural, safe and effective for improving the health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods fail.

Aromatherapy is a complementary and alternative health care system is a gentle and noninvasive used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to improve your health. Please consult with your doctor about your health problems.

KG has utilized essential oils in the practice of energy medicine for over 30 years. During this time she has facilitated healing for thousands of people who suffer personal trauma, illness and injury. Through a unique Aroma Test (TM) system KG formulates essential oil blend of healing.

Note: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but is not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can find. Use the craft of oil, organic or ethically wild whenever possible.